Thursday, May 26, 2011

avatar dvd cover art

avatar dvd cover art. +creed+2+cover+art
  • +creed+2+cover+art

  • Alcibar
    Apr 23, 09:08 AM
    Back lit keyboards are great for long flights where they turn out the lights.

    avatar dvd cover art. They#39;ve also posted the cover
  • They#39;ve also posted the cover

  • aristotle
    Nov 13, 09:08 PM
    To be fair, that's quite possibly a limitation imposed on them by navteq/teleatlas.
    That is irrelevant. It is still someone's IP and Google is bound by law to honour their license agreement with that other company. It is also possible that Apple could be bound by an agreement for their system icons. Not likely but it is possible. I know that icon factory created a lot of the XP and Vista icons for MSFT.

    I have no problem with people using fair use for justifying their own personal use but publishing apps on the app store whether for free or for profit crosses that line where fair use cannot be used as an argument. These apps are not a commentary or piece of journalism but rather a product offered to promote a commercial product called Airfoil which is available for the mac and windows.

    Are you trying to tell us that you promote ripping off icons from other people? Is it only ok if they are stealing from other companies? What if someone has a custom icon set installed? Did they creator of that icon set consent to this iPhone/iPod Touch app having access to those icons?

    avatar dvd cover art. Not a fan of the cover art.
  • Not a fan of the cover art.

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 4, 11:47 AM
    Talk about the real ipad killer!

    I have no mercy for anybody committing crimes.
    Why are so many people on the side of robbers, gangsters and worry about their child hoods, abuse etc.etc.

    We all have issues and don't snap or go stealing.

    If somebody shows they don't want to be part of an orderly society and don't follow their rules,
    live and die with the consequences!

    As somebody posted already the security guard was put into a stress situation and once more and more facts come out
    some lawyers (if this goes to court) will be digging into his life to find an angle that he is really the guilty party in all of this.

    Plus, I am almost certain he will be "fired" or as they say "reassigned"

    avatar dvd cover art. the fighter dvd cover art. the
  • the fighter dvd cover art. the

  • Yamcha
    Apr 30, 06:43 PM
    Glad, hoping for a redesign, but probably unlikely, also would be great to see the yellow tint issue resolved..

    avatar dvd cover art. the fighter dvd cover art. the
  • the fighter dvd cover art. the

  • ZipZap
    Apr 22, 11:25 AM
    Is this a true statement from the OP: "But with new Sandy Bridge processors from Intel sporting improved graphics performance"

    avatar dvd cover art. the fighter dvd cover art. dvd
  • the fighter dvd cover art. dvd

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 14, 10:03 PM
    one of the best predictions i have heard to date...
    Why thank you!

    avatar dvd cover art. First-day DVD and Blu-ray
  • First-day DVD and Blu-ray

  • Radoo
    Mar 22, 02:19 PM
    Probably this is just a bump upgrade (at least they will be more powerful than the Macbook Pros). The next ones will come after Lion, with a new design, with touch screen displays (Apple patented some big moving touch-screens a few months ago).

    avatar dvd cover art. It was released on DVD on
  • It was released on DVD on

  • wizard
    Sep 9, 12:03 PM
    I'm a little skeptical about Napa64 as well. I did read the previous links and articles on it. Why make Merom backwards compatible with Yonah?

    What is to be skeptical about? Seriously Intel continuously improves its hardware, they have to or end up getting trounced on by the competition. In fact recent history with respect to AMD demonstrates what happens when they don't take a serious look at their hardware.

    The issue with Merom and this iterations backward computability is that it gets INTEL 64 bit hardware to market fast as frankly they weren't even competing in that realm. For Intel 64 bit is serious issue as they are behind the eight ball or this one. It is an example of Intel being asleep at the wheel as they focused on who needs 64 bit instructions when a good part of the market demand was for addressable ram.

    Nice information there. I wanted a little heads up on Kentsfield. Still, isn't it dual Conroe's with separate cache and then over the front side bus?

    Frankly I haven't followed Kentsfield that much, more of an AMD man, but what is interesting to me with respect to this thread, is that MEROM the platform has a long way to go yet. That is the iMac just released is more or less a first generation implementation of Merom. I'm left with the impression that Apple just slapped the new processor in the old socket and gave us all a surprise this week. But that is what backward computability is all about. Mind you I know nothing about the current logic boards but I'm sure that information will float across the web soon.


    avatar dvd cover art. megamind dvd cover art.
  • megamind dvd cover art.

  • ArchaicRevival
    Apr 30, 01:59 PM
    Curious that everyone is clamoring for a thunderbolt-enabled machine, but there isn't a single thunderbolt drive available on the market.

    I guess some people just need to feel like they have new stuff even if it's totally pointless.

    Everybody said that to Nikola Tesla when he introduced the AC... It's new, and we have to redesign everything now, and Edison is gonna lose all his investments oh my god! We can't do that!

    A century later...

    avatar dvd cover art. blu ray dvd cover template.
  • blu ray dvd cover template.

  • andi242
    Apr 22, 05:53 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; de-de) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    what if this is the wireless sync everybody is asking for? why limit wireless sync to iOS devices?

    avatar dvd cover art. tron legacy dvd cover art.
  • tron legacy dvd cover art.

  • twoodcc
    Oct 27, 11:00 AM
    i'm not sure what to think about this. seems that i don't like them though

    avatar dvd cover art. Dexter season 3 DVD cover
  • Dexter season 3 DVD cover

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 01:01 PM
    So no one would have been able to shoot the 19 people who were shot (and 20 injured) in Tucson? Perhaps not the first one or two or even three, but eventually someone would have been able pull out their gun and take out the guy before he got to 5 let alone 19 or 20.

    It happens quite often when there are people with CC permits around, it just isn't reported as often as the nut job - who already was a criminal - pulls out a gun and kills innocents.

    It might have just happened here too - the who knows where three armed robbers were headed next. They found the 2 in a residential area and closed schools near there.

    And for the people wondering, Chula Vista isn't a very nice area and I'm not surprised that guards who are guarding the area (it is not a completely inside mall if memory serves) were carrying guns at night.

    Yes if five people in the area all pulled out loaded weapons and started shooting, they all would have hit the killer and no one else.

    No one could prevent what happened simply by carrying a gun. He intended to kill and struck without warning.

    What actually happens successfully is that criminals who do not intend to kill but threaten get thwarted. Actual killers or criminals who do not care about taking a life in the process are not actually stopped that often. It is a fantasy story concocted by wanna be heros.

    Look I am not arguing to take your gun away. I want to keep my gun too. But don't tell me these fantasy stories about how we'll all save the day with our concealed weapon. And don't tell me the story about the big bad liberal who wants to take our guns away either. Its just a wedge issue.

    avatar dvd cover art. Sherlock DVD cover art.jpg
  • Sherlock DVD cover art.jpg

  • cere
    Apr 14, 01:24 PM
    Guys, should I buy now or wa......

    A Mac? Why not?

    avatar dvd cover art. with DVD art look like:
  • with DVD art look like:

  • Wilz
    Oct 27, 04:44 PM
    hahaha, Greenpeace kicked out

    I was at that expo all day today and they didn't turn up

    I got free google t-shirt :)

    avatar dvd cover art. megamind dvd cover art.
  • megamind dvd cover art.

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 25, 07:26 AM
    You deserve a bad rap:rolleyes: There is nothing illegal going 5 under.

    I don't know about your state, but here in Quebec, it is illegal to ride in the left lane if you're not passing. The left lane is a passing lane. A lot of idiots just roll there, doing the "limit" and then you have to pass them on the right, which is also illegal and dangerous or wait behind them.

    The fact that the kid road raged a bit doesn't change the fact of this thread : There are a lot of people who still think "left = fast lane" which is completely wrong. "left = passing lane". If you're not passing, move over to the right.

    A little curtesy prevents road rage episodes. On both sides. The OP might not have been right in his behavior, but to say the lady wasn't doing anything illegal is also wrong and shows that you are as a bad a driver as the OP if you fail to recognize it.

    The fault doesn't just lie with the OP and everyone defending the lady and bashing the OP is wrong. You should be bashing both equally.

    avatar dvd cover art. i love you man dvd cover art.
  • i love you man dvd cover art.

  • vwcruisn
    Mar 23, 06:11 PM
    136 negatives to this story ... nice. :rolleyes:

    Any perceived hit towards censorship obviously trumps the value of human life. :rolleyes:

    should we ban email? I get mass emails on occasion from people at work notifying me of check points. Where does the censorship end "to save a life"?

    avatar dvd cover art. dvd cover art template.
  • dvd cover art template.

  • chuckles:)
    Sep 4, 09:06 PM
    an airport express that can stream video... could I be any less underwhelmed? :rolleyes:

    agreed... that insider article made it sound like a miricle machine.

    avatar dvd cover art. tron legacy dvd cover art.
  • tron legacy dvd cover art.

  • apolloa
    Apr 30, 06:09 PM
    Thing is though... if the new top end MacBook Pro 2.3 can keep up with and beat even a current 8 core Mac Pro in some instances and trounce the quad core model, just how powerful is a top end Sandy Bridge iMac going to be :eek::confused:

    And seeing as Apple blessed us with quad core in the laptops, I would bet my remainder of my hair on my head that the top end iMac option at most will have six core sandy bridge :D

    avatar dvd cover art. dvd cover art template.
  • dvd cover art template.

  • mmmcheese
    Sep 15, 05:58 PM
    A shame about scrapping the idea of a ground up design - I hope that doesn't lead to a lack of innovation. That's what really leads Apple along! Although if they just make a killer phone (I'm sure they will at some point...) it's bound to sell buckets loads!


    This doesn't mean they will just re-brand a might just mean they are buying transmitters/etc. from other sources rather than engineering their own. Depending on what they buying "off the shelf," this only makes sense...why re-create the wheel?

    Of course they may end up just re-branding a phone, but that doesn't really seem like the Apple thing to do.

    Oct 12, 03:24 PM
    Ah, classic manipulation of an idea. At no point in that post did I say "helping people" is a bad thing, or that it should never be done. Quite the contrary... I actually said:

    So please, don't cherrypick. Education is the only answer to this problem, nobody disputes that. But to say there is absolutely no correlation between the death and suffering going on in Africa, and a large portion of that society which is beyond help and beyond the limitations of education would be naive.

    There are times in human history when, despite all our better efforts, nature is going to run its course, and those groups who have not adapted their lifestlye and way of thinking are left behind. I'm certainly not saying don't try, nor am I saying that saving even a single life wouldn't be worth the effort. I'm merely saying that Africa's problems are deeper than education. There's a culture there that has been in place a lot longer than even our own system of education and medicine has existed. To think that we can change that by giving them some condoms, explaining how they work and why it's important, is foolish. I'm saying that Africa will sort out it's own problems in time, when those individuals who recognize the problem for themselves get a voice. We can help, and every little bit helps, but it's not ours to fix. This is FAR FAR more complex and rooted than a kid who hurts his knee on a skateboard.

    AMEN brotha!

    Apr 22, 12:25 PM
    For me I just need the backlit keyboard reintroduced into the Air.
    Then my wife would get my MBp13 instantly.

    Sep 14, 08:16 AM
    Hmmm, an Aperture update would be cool. I wonder if they would make any financial "concessions" to people who have recently purchased Aperture... :o

    Apr 17, 02:08 AM
    I think I would have rather held off for one of those oppsed to this sandy bridge and this thunderbolt.

    Sep 10, 05:56 AM
    I get goosebumps thinking about the capabilties of Logic 8 Pro working seamlessly
    with 8 processors!

    If you can get enough raw processing power to avoid the use of Digi HD Accel cards
    that's going to be some set-up.

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